The film "Bam Bala" is the story of siblings named Hina and Amir Ali, who seek help from a doll named Bam Bala to reconcile their parents. Bam Bala...
Bam Bala
The Golden Night
Elham is a young, divorced Iranian woman. Seeking to find herself after a near-fatal beating by her husband, she finds solace and salvation in the...
When Salim - who sells governmental forbidden western music and film tapes in the streets- discovers he has a fatal brain tumor, he decides to join...
The little girl had just colored her nails and the world painted her face.
Red Nail Polish
The film tells the story of Farzin's life (played by Mohsen Tanabandeh) who is addicted to narcotics and is involved with his family throughout the...
100W Bulb
Kaveh ( Mohammad Reza Foroutan ) and Aban ( Khazar Masoumi ), a young couple who fell in love with the heroes of our story, are foreshadowed by...
Kandaloos Gardens
Vahid is making a movie about the war. He invites a musician friend of himself Ali to compose a theme music for this film. But Ali can not make his...
Journey to Chazzabeh
Asma's previous suitor Yaser ruins her wedding Ceremony. Her brother Jamal accidentally kills Yaser's brother. Yaser's odd suggestion in order to...
Two people find themselves in the middle of a murder plot. One can't hear and the other one can't see.
Cheshm O Goosh Baste
After ten years Banafshe and Saeed scape back to Iran but Zapata is after them...
5th Movie By Rasool Mollagholi Poor in Iran and first Performance as an actor by Masoud Karamati.
Vahid seeks his love in the body of a prostitute named Rana
A Relic of the South
Leila, a young and talented tightrope walker, was banned from performing by the authorities. Since then, she has been working in her father's old...
Hard Shell
A paroxysmal dream emerges from the depths of Kieslowski's filmography and awakens the doomed Iranian director Sohrab who, banned from making films,...
Not So Blind Owl Theater starring Masoud Karamati and Rahim Norouzi
Not So Blind Owl