Muthuvel Pandian, a retired, stern yet compassionate jailer lives a peaceful life with his family, but trouble knocks his door when his cop...
An undercover cop has to stop the mastermind behind a child kidnapping racket, which will also lead to the redemption of his Azheimer's-affected...
A girl gets trapped inside a boys' hostel, which is under surveillance of a strict warden. Why has she entered the place and what happens next?
Valli Mayil
A food delivery guy with a medical condition falls in love with Subbu, a housekeeper, whom he believes to be his world. However, trouble begins, when...
A guy-next-door tries to find romance in his life while also dealing with his personal problems. How long will it be before he realises what he is...
Raayan, a simpleton patriarch has to protect his family when they inadvertently get muddled in a violent world with whirlpool of murder, debauchery,...
Three young men plan a heist but find the bank already hijacked by elderly men. The public supports the elderly, exposing corruption among bank...
A young woman takes up drug peddling to make money for the treatment of her mom, who has cancer.
Kolamavu Kokila
An ex-minister tries to get back a laptop containing the details about his corrupt wealth , but his auditor blackmails him for money. Meanwhile,...
Kalakalappu 2
After falling off the radar for a few years, Maari is back in the fray doing what he does best: taking trouble by the horns and being a total...
Maari 2
A husband and wife, who are poles apart, go through a lean patch after they start living separately.
Aan Devathai