Mr. Clayworth, a wealthy American and self-made man, has a daughter Bessie, who is determined to marry a foreign title much against her father's...
The Title Cure
An early Thomas Edison short. A young woman is kidnapped while attending a play in Chinatown. A reporter attends another play in Chinatown, is...
The Active Life of Dolly of the Dailies #5: The Chinese Fan
Arnold L'Hommedieu and his friends Archie Hartogensis and Hugo Waldemar go to New York to find work after being unfairly expelled from college....
God's Man
While their degenerate descendant sleeps, ancestral portraits come alive and admonish him.
An Unsullied Shield
Lizette loves Jean but a 10,000 franc dowry insisted upon by Jean's father is keeping them apart. Paul, Lizette's "black sheep" brother, begs that...
The Haunted Bedroom
Jack goes from business to business, trying to sell ad space in his newspaper. At each stop he catches the boss in a compromising position with a...
It May Be You
Episode of a romantic serial starring Mary Fuller. Mary is looking for a man, and this time she wants an aristocratic gentleman.
A Proposal from the Duke
We see Jack and his mother very poor and the project of selling the cow discussed. Jack meets the familiar figure of the butcher who bargains with...
Jack and the Beanstalk