Antwerp, early June. On a sweltering Friday, eight people dream of a different life. There is wind and music, police and paranoia, gossip and...
Any Way the Wind Blows
A cinematographic adaptation of the dance performance by Ann Van den Broek.
The Co(te)lette Film
Carole Mackay is an unashamedly outspoken and wealthy entrepreneur. Her online business selling all things festive has earned her a fortune, as well...
Christmas Carole
On the brink of nuclear destruction, a mother must make an impossible decision to protect her children.
The Bunker
Infamous London gangster cousins, Micky Mannock and Ray Collishaw, are at the top of the food chain, when their world is turned upside down as they...
St George's Day
Colin has rented a stately country home for his extended family’s New Year celebrations. He’s the centre of attention until his estranged...
Happy New Year, Colin Burstead
A darkly comic, character-driven thriller following Ewan, a government whistleblower, and Silke, his forthright Flemish wife, as they are sent to a...
After the passing of his mother a man returns to his hometown. He will not only find old friends, but also himself.